Linux Cubed Series 8: LINUX Games
Linux Cubed Series 8 - LINUX Games.iso
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919 lines
* newwin.c
#include "copyright.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef hpux
#include <time.h>
#else /* hpux */
#include <sys/time.h>
#endif /* hpux */
#include "Wlib.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "zzbitmaps.h"
#include "tngbitmaps.h"
#ifdef VARY_HULL
#include "hullbitmaps.h"
#include "bitmaps/bitmaps.h"
/* define MOO_TEXPBITMAPS to use moo torp explosion bitmaps */
#include "bitmaps/oldbitmaps.h"
#include "packets.h"
#include "bitmaps/moobitmaps.h"
#ifdef MOOCURSORS /* these suck! */
#include "bitmaps/cursors.h"
#include "bitmaps/clockbitmap.h"
#include "bitmapstuff.h"
#ifdef META
extern int metaaction ();
#define SIZEOF(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (*(a)))
#define BOXSIDE (WINSIDE / 5)
#define TILESIDE 16
#define MESSAGESIZE 20
#define YOFF 0
newwin (hostmon, progname)
char *hostmon, *progname;
int i;
W_Initialize (hostmon);
baseWin = W_MakeWindow ("netrek", 0, YOFF, WINSIDE * 2 + 1 * BORDER,
iconWin = W_MakeWindow ("netrek_icon", 0, 0, icon_width, icon_height, NULL,
BORDER, gColor);
W_SetIconWindow (baseWin, iconWin);
w = W_MakeWindow ("local", -BORDER, -BORDER, WINSIDE, WINSIDE, baseWin,
BORDER, foreColor);
mapw = W_MakeWindow ("map", WINSIDE, -BORDER, WINSIDE, WINSIDE, baseWin,
BORDER, foreColor);
tstatw = W_MakeWindow ("tstat", -BORDER, WINSIDE, WINSIDE, STATSIZE, baseWin,
BORDER, foreColor);
baseWin, BORDER, foreColor);
messagew = W_MakeWindow ("message", WINSIDE, WINSIDE + BORDER + MESSAGESIZE,
planetw = W_MakeTextWindow ("planet", 10, 10, 53, MAXPLANETS + 3, w, 2);
rankw = W_MakeTextWindow ("rank", 50, 300, 65, NUMRANKS + 8, w, 2);
playerw = W_MakeTextWindow ("player", 0, YOFF + WINSIDE + 2 * BORDER + 2 * MESSAGESIZE,
playerlistnum (), MAXPLAYER + 3, NULL, 2);
helpWin = W_MakeTextWindow ("help", 0, YOFF + WINSIDE + 2 * BORDER + 2 * MESSAGESIZE,
160, 21, NULL, BORDER);
but_key_win = W_MakeTextWindow ("buttonkeymap", 0, YOFF + WINSIDE + 2 *
#ifdef META
metaWin = W_MakeMenu ("MetaServer List", 0, 0, 69, num_servers + 1,
NULL, 2);
W_SetWindowKeyDownHandler (metaWin, metaaction);
W_SetWindowButtonHandler (metaWin, metaaction);
messwa = W_MakeScrollingWindow ("review_all", WINSIDE + BORDER,
messwt = W_MakeScrollingWindow ("review_team", WINSIDE + BORDER,
YOFF + WINSIDE + 4 * BORDER + 2 * MESSAGESIZE + 10 * W_Textheight + 8,
80, 5, 0, BORDER);
messwi = W_MakeScrollingWindow ("review_your", WINSIDE + BORDER,
YOFF + WINSIDE + 5 * BORDER + 2 * MESSAGESIZE + 15 * W_Textheight + 16,
80, 4, 0, BORDER);
messwk = W_MakeScrollingWindow ("review_kill", WINSIDE + BORDER,
YOFF + WINSIDE + 6 * BORDER + 2 * MESSAGESIZE + 19 * W_Textheight + 24,
80, 6, 0, BORDER);
phaserwin = W_MakeScrollingWindow ("review_phaser", WINSIDE + BORDER,
YOFF + WINSIDE + 3 * BORDER + 2 * MESSAGESIZE + 15 * W_Textheight + 16,
80, 4, 0, BORDER);
reviewWin = W_MakeScrollingWindow ("review", WINSIDE + BORDER,
udpWin = W_MakeMenu ("UDP", WINSIDE + 10, -BORDER + 10, 40, UDP_NUMOPTS,
NULL, 2);
#ifdef NETSTAT
lMeter = W_MakeWindow ("lagMeter", 0, 600, lMeterWidth (), lMeterHeight (),
NULL, BORDER, foreColor);
#ifdef PING
pStats = W_MakeWindow ("pingStats", 0, 600, pStatsWidth (), pStatsHeight (),
NULL, 1, foreColor);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
teamWin[i] = W_MakeWindow (teamshort[1 << i], i * BOXSIDE, 400,
BOXSIDE, BOXSIDE, w, 1, foreColor);
qwin = W_MakeWindow ("quit", 4 * BOXSIDE, 400, BOXSIDE, BOXSIDE, w, 1,
statwin = W_MakeWindow ("stats", 422, 13, 160, 110, NULL, 5, foreColor);
statwin = W_MakeWindow ("stats", 422, 13, 160, 95, NULL, 5, foreColor);
#endif /* ARMY_SLIDER */
#ifdef SCAN
scanwin = W_MakeWindow ("scanner", 422, 13, 160, 120, baseWin, 5, foreColor);
#endif /* ATM */
DefineLocalcursor (w);
DefineMapcursor (mapw);
W_DefineTrekCursor (baseWin);
W_DefineLocalcursor (w);
#ifdef META
W_DefineArrowCursor (metaWin);
W_DefineMapcursor (mapw);
W_DefineTrekCursor (messwa);
W_DefineTrekCursor (messwt);
W_DefineTrekCursor (messwi);
W_DefineTrekCursor (helpWin);
W_DefineTrekCursor (reviewWin);
W_DefineTrekCursor (messwk);
W_DefineTrekCursor (phaserwin);
W_DefineTrekCursor (playerw);
W_DefineTrekCursor (rankw);
W_DefineTrekCursor (statwin);
W_DefineTrekCursor (iconWin);
W_DefineTextCursor (messagew);
W_DefineTrekCursor (tstatw);
W_DefineWarningCursor (qwin);
#ifdef SCAN
W_DefineTrekCursor (scanwin);
W_DefineArrowCursor (udpWin);
#ifdef NETSTAT
W_DefineArrowCursor (lMeter);
DefineFedCursor (teamWin[0]);
DefineRomCursor (teamWin[1]);
DefineKliCursor (teamWin[2]);
DefineOriCursor (teamWin[3]);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
W_DefineArrowCursor (teamWin[i]);
#endif /* MOOBITMAPS */
#endif /* TCURSOR */
W_DefineCursor (baseWin, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
W_DefineCursor (messwa, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
W_DefineCursor (messwt, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
W_DefineCursor (messwi, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
W_DefineCursor (helpWin, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
W_DefineCursor (playerw, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
W_DefineCursor (statwin, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
#ifdef SCAN
W_DefineCursor (scanwin, 16, 16, cross_bits, crossmask_bits, 7, 7);
#endif /* ATM */
#define WARHEIGHT 2
#define WARWIDTH 20
#define WARBORDER 2
war = W_MakeMenu ("war", WINSIDE + 10, -BORDER + 10, WARWIDTH, 6, baseWin,
W_DefineArrowCursor (war);
getResources (progname);
savebitmaps ();
read_ship_bitmaps ();
mapAll ()
initinput ();
W_MapWindow (mapw);
W_MapWindow (tstatw);
W_MapWindow (warnw);
W_MapWindow (messagew);
W_MapWindow (w);
W_MapWindow (baseWin);
* since we aren't mapping windows that have root as parent in x11window.c
* (since that messes up the TransientFor feature) we have to map them
* here. (If already mapped, W_MapWindow returns)
if (checkMapped ("planet"))
W_MapWindow (planetw);
if (checkMapped ("rank"))
W_MapWindow (rankw);
if (checkMapped ("help"))
W_MapWindow (helpWin);
#ifdef META
if (checkMapped ("MetaServer List"))
metawindow (metaWin);
if (checkMapped ("review_all"))
W_MapWindow (messwa);
if (checkMapped ("review_team"))
W_MapWindow (messwt);
if (checkMapped ("review_your"))
W_MapWindow (messwi);
if (checkMapped ("review_kill"))
W_MapWindow (messwk);
if (checkMapped ("player"))
W_MapWindow (playerw);
if (checkMapped ("review"))
W_MapWindow (reviewWin);
if (checkMapped ("UDP"))
udpwindow ();
#ifdef NETSTAT
if (checkMapped ("lagMeter"))
netstat = 1;
W_MapWindow (lMeter);
#ifdef PING
if (checkMapped ("pingStats"))
W_MapWindow (pStats);
if (checkMapped ("review_phaser"))
W_MapWindow (phaserwin);
phaserWindow = 1;
savebitmaps ()
register int i;
* store the bitmaps for all the ship types, over all the * teams, over all
* the views (ugh!)
for (i = 0; i < VIEWS; i++)
int num = 0;
/* Start FED */
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, SCOUT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_scout_width, fed_scout_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_scout_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_scout_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, DESTROYER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_destroyer_width, fed_destroyer_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_destroyer_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_destroyer_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, CRUISER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_cruiser_width, fed_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_cruiser_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, BATTLESHIP);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_battleship_width, fed_battleship_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_battleship_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_battleship_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, ASSAULT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_assault_width, fed_assault_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_assault_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_assault_width), w);
#ifdef GALAXY
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, SGALAXY);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_galaxy_width, fed_galaxy_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_galaxy_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_galaxy_width), w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, STARBASE);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_starbase_width, fed_starbase_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_starbase_bits, i, STD_BASE_FLGS, num, fed_starbase_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_att_width, fed_att_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_att_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_att_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (FED, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (fed_cruiser_width, fed_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (fed_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, fed_cruiser_width), w);
/* End FED */
/* Start ROM */
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, SCOUT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_scout_width, rom_scout_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_scout_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_scout_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, DESTROYER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_destroyer_width, rom_destroyer_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_destroyer_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_destroyer_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, CRUISER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_cruiser_width, rom_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_cruiser_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, BATTLESHIP);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_battleship_width, rom_battleship_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_battleship_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_battleship_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, ASSAULT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_assault_width, rom_assault_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_assault_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_assault_width), w);
#ifdef GALAXY
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, SGALAXY);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_galaxy_width, rom_galaxy_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_galaxy_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_galaxy_width), w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, STARBASE);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_starbase_width, rom_starbase_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_starbase_bits, i, STD_BASE_FLGS, num, rom_starbase_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_att_width, rom_att_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_att_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_att_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ROM, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (rom_cruiser_width, rom_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (rom_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, rom_cruiser_width), w);
/* End ROM */
/* Start KLI */
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, SCOUT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_scout_width, kli_scout_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_scout_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_scout_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, DESTROYER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_destroyer_width, kli_destroyer_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_destroyer_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_destroyer_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, CRUISER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_cruiser_width, kli_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_cruiser_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, BATTLESHIP);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_battleship_width, kli_battleship_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_battleship_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_battleship_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, ASSAULT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_assault_width, kli_assault_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_assault_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_assault_width), w);
#ifdef GALAXY
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, SGALAXY);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_galaxy_width, kli_galaxy_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_galaxy_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_galaxy_width), w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, STARBASE);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_starbase_width, kli_starbase_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_starbase_bits, i, STD_BASE_FLGS, num, kli_starbase_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_att_width, kli_att_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_att_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_att_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (KLI, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (kli_cruiser_width, kli_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (kli_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, kli_cruiser_width), w);
/* End KLI */
/* Start ORI */
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, SCOUT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_scout_width, ori_scout_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_scout_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_scout_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, DESTROYER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_destroyer_width, ori_destroyer_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_destroyer_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_destroyer_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, CRUISER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_cruiser_width, ori_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_cruiser_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, BATTLESHIP);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_battleship_width, ori_battleship_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_battleship_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_battleship_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, ASSAULT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_assault_width, ori_assault_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_assault_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_assault_width), w);
#ifdef GALAXY
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, SGALAXY);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_galaxy_width, ori_galaxy_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_galaxy_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_galaxy_width), w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, STARBASE);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_starbase_width, ori_starbase_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_starbase_bits, i, STD_BASE_FLGS, num, ori_starbase_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_att_width, ori_att_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_att_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_att_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (ORI, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ori_cruiser_width, ori_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (ori_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ori_cruiser_width), w);
/* End ORI */
/* Start IND */
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, SCOUT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_scout_width, ind_scout_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_scout_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_scout_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, DESTROYER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_destroyer_width, ind_destroyer_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_destroyer_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_destroyer_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, CRUISER);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_cruiser_width, ind_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_cruiser_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, BATTLESHIP);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_battleship_width, ind_battleship_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_battleship_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_battleship_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, ASSAULT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_assault_width, ind_assault_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_assault_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_assault_width), w);
#ifdef GALAXY
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, SGALAXY);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_galaxy_width, ind_galaxy_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_galaxy_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_galaxy_width), w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, STARBASE);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_starbase_width, ind_starbase_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_starbase_bits, i, STD_BASE_FLGS, num, ind_starbase_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_att_width, ind_att_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_att_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_att_width), w);
num = StdBitmapNum (IND, ATT);
ship_bitmaps[num][i] = W_StoreBitmap (ind_cruiser_width, ind_cruiser_height,
RotateShipViews (ind_cruiser_bits, i, STD_SHIP_FLGS, num, ind_cruiser_width), w);
/* End IND */
* store the bitmaps for all the ship types, over all the * teams, over all
* the views (ugh!)
for (i = 0; i < VIEWS; i++)
tng_fed_bitmaps[SCOUT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_scout_width, fed_scout_height,
tng_fed_scout_bits[i], w);
tng_fed_bitmaps[DESTROYER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_destroyer_width, fed_destroyer_height,
tng_fed_destroyer_bits[i], w);
tng_fed_bitmaps[CRUISER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_cruiser_width, fed_cruiser_height,
tng_fed_cruiser_bits[i], w);
tng_fed_bitmaps[BATTLESHIP][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_battleship_width, fed_battleship_height,
tng_fed_battleship_bits[i], w);
tng_fed_bitmaps[ASSAULT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_assault_width, fed_assault_height,
tng_fed_assault_bits[i], w);
tng_fed_bitmaps[STARBASE][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_starbase_width, fed_starbase_height,
fed_starbase_bits[i], w);
#ifdef GALAXY
tng_fed_bitmaps[SGALAXY][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_galaxy_width, fed_galaxy_width,
fed_galaxy_bits[i], w);
tng_fed_bitmaps[ATT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (borg_width, borg_height,
borg_bits, w);
ROMVLVS_bitmap[i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_cruiser_width, rom_cruiser_height,
ROMVLVS_bits[i], w);
fed_bitmaps[SCOUT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_scout_width, fed_scout_height,
fed_scout_bits[i], w);
fed_bitmaps[DESTROYER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_destroyer_width, fed_destroyer_height,
fed_destroyer_bits[i], w);
fed_bitmaps[CRUISER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_cruiser_width, fed_cruiser_height,
fed_cruiser_bits[i], w);
fed_bitmaps[BATTLESHIP][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_battleship_width, fed_battleship_height,
fed_battleship_bits[i], w);
fed_bitmaps[ASSAULT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_assault_width, fed_assault_height,
fed_assault_bits[i], w);
fed_bitmaps[STARBASE][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_starbase_width, fed_starbase_height,
fed_starbase_bits[i], w);
#ifdef GALAXY
fed_bitmaps[SGALAXY][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_galaxy_width, fed_galaxy_width,
fed_galaxy_bits[i], w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
fed_bitmaps[ATT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (fed_cruiser_width, fed_cruiser_height,
fed_cruiser_bits[i], w);
kli_bitmaps[SCOUT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_scout_width, kli_scout_height,
kli_scout_bits[i], w);
kli_bitmaps[DESTROYER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_destroyer_width, kli_destroyer_height,
kli_destroyer_bits[i], w);
kli_bitmaps[CRUISER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_cruiser_width, kli_cruiser_height,
kli_cruiser_bits[i], w);
kli_bitmaps[BATTLESHIP][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_battleship_width, kli_battleship_height,
kli_battleship_bits[i], w);
kli_bitmaps[ASSAULT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_assault_width, kli_assault_height,
kli_assault_bits[i], w);
kli_bitmaps[STARBASE][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_starbase_width, kli_starbase_height,
kli_starbase_bits[i], w);
#ifdef GALAXY
kli_bitmaps[SGALAXY][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_galaxy_width, kli_galaxy_width,
kli_galaxy_bits[i], w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
kli_bitmaps[ATT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (kli_cruiser_width, kli_cruiser_height,
kli_cruiser_bits[i], w);
rom_bitmaps[SCOUT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_scout_width, rom_scout_height,
rom_scout_bits[i], w);
rom_bitmaps[DESTROYER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_destroyer_width, rom_destroyer_height,
rom_destroyer_bits[i], w);
rom_bitmaps[CRUISER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_cruiser_width, rom_cruiser_height,
rom_cruiser_bits[i], w);
rom_bitmaps[BATTLESHIP][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_battleship_width, rom_battleship_height,
rom_battleship_bits[i], w);
rom_bitmaps[ASSAULT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_assault_width, rom_assault_height,
rom_assault_bits[i], w);
rom_bitmaps[STARBASE][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_starbase_width, rom_starbase_height,
rom_starbase_bits[i], w);
#ifdef GALAXY
rom_bitmaps[SGALAXY][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_galaxy_width, rom_galaxy_width,
rom_galaxy_bits[i], w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
rom_bitmaps[ATT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (rom_cruiser_width, rom_cruiser_height,
rom_cruiser_bits[i], w);
ori_bitmaps[SCOUT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_scout_width, ori_scout_height,
ori_scout_bits[i], w);
ori_bitmaps[DESTROYER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_destroyer_width, ori_destroyer_height,
ori_destroyer_bits[i], w);
ori_bitmaps[CRUISER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_cruiser_width, ori_cruiser_height,
ori_cruiser_bits[i], w);
ori_bitmaps[BATTLESHIP][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_battleship_width, ori_battleship_height,
ori_battleship_bits[i], w);
ori_bitmaps[ASSAULT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_assault_width, ori_assault_height,
ori_assault_bits[i], w);
ori_bitmaps[STARBASE][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_starbase_width, ori_starbase_height,
ori_starbase_bits[i], w);
#ifdef GALAXY
ori_bitmaps[SGALAXY][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_galaxy_width, ori_galaxy_width,
ori_galaxy_bits[i], w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
ori_bitmaps[ATT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ori_cruiser_width, ori_cruiser_height,
ori_cruiser_bits[i], w);
ind_bitmaps[SCOUT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ind_scout_width, ind_scout_height,
ind_scout_bits[i], w);
ind_bitmaps[DESTROYER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ind_destroyer_width, ind_destroyer_height,
ind_destroyer_bits[i], w);
ind_bitmaps[CRUISER][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ind_cruiser_width, ind_cruiser_height,
ind_cruiser_bits[i], w);
ind_bitmaps[BATTLESHIP][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ind_battleship_width, ind_battleship_height,
ind_battleship_bits[i], w);
ind_bitmaps[ASSAULT][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ind_assault_width, ind_assault_height,
ind_assault_bits[i], w);
ind_bitmaps[STARBASE][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ind_starbase_width, ind_starbase_height,
ind_starbase_bits[i], w);
#ifdef GALAXY
ind_bitmaps[SGALAXY][i] =
W_StoreBitmap (ind_galaxy_width, ind_galaxy_height,
ind_galaxy_bits[i], w);
#endif /* GALAXY */
#endif /* DYNAMIC_BITMAPS */
/* store the clock bitmap */
clockpic = W_StoreBitmap (clock_width, clock_height, clock_bits,
for (i = 0; i < emph_player_seq_frames; i++)
emph_player_seq [emph_player_seq_frames - (i + 1)] =
W_StoreBitmap (emph_player_seq_width, emph_player_seq_height,
emph_player_seq_bits [i], mapw);
for (i = 0; i < emph_player_seql_frames; i++)
emph_player_seql [emph_player_seql_frames - (i + 1)] =
W_StoreBitmap (emph_player_seql_width, emph_player_seql_height,
emph_player_seql_bits [i], w);
for (i = 0; i < emph_planet_seq_frames; i++)
emph_planet_seq [emph_planet_seq_frames - (i + 1)] =
W_StoreBitmap (emph_planet_seq_width, emph_planet_seq_height,
emph_planet_seq_bits [i], mapw);
/* store the bitmaps for torpedo explosions */
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cloud[i] = W_StoreBitmap (cloud_width, cloud_height, cloud_bits[4 - i], w);
plasmacloud[i] = W_StoreBitmap (plasmacloud_width,
plasmacloud_height, plasmacloud_bits[4 - i], w);
#ifdef MAP_NAMES
show_owner_map_bitmaps [FED] = W_StoreBitmap (mfed_width, mfed_height,
mfed_bits, mapw);
show_owner_map_bitmaps [ROM] = W_StoreBitmap (mrom_width, mrom_height,
mrom_bits, mapw);
show_owner_map_bitmaps [KLI] = W_StoreBitmap (mkli_width, mkli_height,
mkli_bits, mapw);
show_owner_map_bitmaps [ORI] = W_StoreBitmap (mori_width, mori_height,
mori_bits, mapw);
/* Torpedo bitmaps */
etorp = W_StoreBitmap (etorp_width, etorp_height, etorp_bits, w);
mtorp = W_StoreBitmap (mtorp_width, mtorp_height, mtorp_bits, w);
eplasmatorp =
W_StoreBitmap (eplasmatorp_width, eplasmatorp_height, eplasmatorp_bits, w);
mplasmatorp =
W_StoreBitmap (mplasmatorp_width, mplasmatorp_height, mplasmatorp_bits, w);
/* planet bitmaps */
bplanets[0] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, indplanet_bits, w);
bplanets[1] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, fedplanet_bits, w);
bplanets[2] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, romplanet_bits, w);
bplanets[3] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, kliplanet_bits, w);
bplanets[4] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, oriplanet_bits, w);
bplanets[5] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet_bits, w);
mbplanets[0] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, indmplanet_bits, mapw);
mbplanets[1] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, fedmplanet_bits, mapw);
mbplanets[2] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, rommplanet_bits, mapw);
mbplanets[3] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, klimplanet_bits, mapw);
mbplanets[4] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, orimplanet_bits, mapw);
mbplanets[5] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet_bits, mapw);
bplanets2[0] = bplanets[0];
mbplanets2[0] = mbplanets[0];
bplanets2[1] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet001_bits, w);
bplanets2[2] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet010_bits, w);
bplanets2[3] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet011_bits, w);
bplanets2[4] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet100_bits, w);
bplanets2[5] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet101_bits, w);
bplanets2[6] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet110_bits, w);
bplanets2[7] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, planet111_bits, w);
mbplanets2[1] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet001_bits, mapw);
mbplanets2[2] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet010_bits, mapw);
mbplanets2[3] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet011_bits, mapw);
mbplanets2[4] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet100_bits, mapw);
mbplanets2[5] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet101_bits, mapw);
mbplanets2[6] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet110_bits, mapw);
mbplanets2[7] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet111_bits, mapw);
/* isae: My own planet bitmaps */
bplanets[6] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet000_bits, w);
bplanets3[0] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet000_bits, w);
bplanets3[1] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet001_bits, w);
bplanets3[2] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet010_bits, w);
bplanets3[3] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet011_bits, w);
bplanets3[4] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet100_bits, w);
bplanets3[5] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet101_bits, w);
bplanets3[6] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet110_bits, w);
bplanets3[7] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, myplanet111_bits, w);
/* <isae> Added this */
mbplanets3[0] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, myindmplanet_bits, mapw);
mbplanets3[1] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mymplanet001_bits, mapw);
mbplanets3[2] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mymplanet010_bits, mapw);
mbplanets3[3] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mymplanet011_bits, mapw);
mbplanets3[4] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet100_bits, mapw);
mbplanets3[5] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet101_bits, mapw);
mbplanets3[6] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet110_bits, mapw);
mbplanets3[7] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet111_bits, mapw);
#endif /* MOOBITMAPS */
bplanets4[0] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet000_bits, w);
bplanets4[1] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet001_bits, w);
bplanets4[2] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet010_bits, w);
bplanets4[3] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet011_bits, w);
bplanets4[4] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet100_bits, w);
bplanets4[5] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet101_bits, w);
bplanets4[6] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet110_bits, w);
bplanets4[7] = W_StoreBitmap (planet_width, planet_height, rmyplanet111_bits, w);
mbplanets4[0] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, rmyindmplanet_bits, mapw);
mbplanets4[1] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, rmymplanet001_bits, mapw);
mbplanets4[2] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, rmymplanet010_bits, mapw);
mbplanets4[3] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, rmymplanet011_bits, mapw);
mbplanets4[4] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet100_bits, mapw);
mbplanets4[5] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet101_bits, mapw);
mbplanets4[6] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet110_bits, mapw);
mbplanets4[7] = W_StoreBitmap (mplanet_width, mplanet_height, mplanet111_bits, mapw);
for (i = 0; i < EX_FRAMES; i++)
expview[i] = W_StoreBitmap (ex_width, ex_height, ex_bits[i], w);
for (i = 0; i < SBEXPVIEWS; i++)
sbexpview[i] = W_StoreBitmap (sbexp_width, sbexp_height, sbexp_bits[i], w);
shield = W_StoreBitmap (shield_width, shield_height, shield_bits, w);
for (i = 0; i < SHIELD_FRAMES; i++)
shield[i] = W_StoreBitmap (shield_width, shield_height, shield_bits[i], w);
cloakicon = W_StoreBitmap (cloak_width, cloak_height, cloak_bits, w);
icon = W_StoreBitmap (icon_width, icon_height, icon_bits, iconWin);
#ifdef VARY_HULL
for (i = 0; i < HULL_FRAMES; i++)
hull[i] = W_StoreBitmap (hull_width, hull_height, hull_bits[i], w);
/* silly cursor definition stuff from moo */
DefineMapcursor (window)
W_Window window;
W_DefineCursorFromBitmap (window, mapcursor_bits, mapcursor_width, mapcursor_height,
mapmask_bits, mapmask_width, mapmask_height);
DefineLocalcursor (window)
W_Window window;
W_DefineCursorFromBitmap (window, localcursor_bits, localcursor_width, localcursor_height,
localmask_bits, localmask_width, localmask_height);
DefineFedCursor (window)
W_Window window;
W_DefineCursorFromBitmap (window,
&(fed_cruiser_bits[0][0]), fed_cruiser_width, fed_cruiser_height,
&(fed_cruiser_bits[0][0]), fed_cruiser_width, fed_cruiser_height);
DefineRomCursor (window)
W_Window window;
W_DefineCursorFromBitmap (window,
&rom_cruiser_bits[0][0], rom_cruiser_width, rom_cruiser_height,
&rom_cruiser_bits[0][0], rom_cruiser_width, rom_cruiser_height);
DefineKliCursor (window)
W_Window window;
W_DefineCursorFromBitmap (window,
&(kli_cruiser_bits[0][0]), kli_cruiser_width, kli_cruiser_height,
&(kli_cruiser_bits[0][0]), kli_cruiser_width, kli_cruiser_height);
DefineOriCursor (window)
W_Window window;
W_DefineCursorFromBitmap (window,
&(ori_cruiser_bits[0][0]), ori_cruiser_width, ori_cruiser_height,
&(ori_cruiser_bits[0][0]), ori_cruiser_width, ori_cruiser_height);
#endif /* MOOTCURSORS */